Extra Protection Program

Storage Service Guarantee Program Terms and Conditions

1. Protection

Extra Protection Program (The “Program”) provides a storage service guarantee to return with reasonable notice to the Client(s) or another party designated by the client, genetic material the client’s(‘) have entrusted for storage at CryoFuture. In the extremely rare occurrence that CryoFuture is unable to locate or retrieve the Client’s(‘) genetic material when requested, the Program will reimburse the Client(s) for the lost genetic material according to the payment schedule below:
Purchased Cryopreserved Donor Sperm Cohort:
$ 2,500
Cryopreserved Autologous Eggs Cohort:
$ 15,000
Purchased Cryopreserved Donor Egg Cohort:
$ 20,000
Cryopreserved Embryo Cohort From A Donor Gamete:
$ 25,000
Cryopreserved Embryo Cohort From A Sexually Intimate Couple:
$ 35,000

2. Exclusions

The Program does not cover the following:
a. Losses arising from terrorism or terrorist-related incidents.
b. Losses resulting from natural disasters including but not limited to earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other acts of God.
c. Losses caused by war, civil unrest, or other large-scale disruptions.
d. Damages or losses that arise from the intentional misconduct or negligence of The Client(s).

3. Arbitration Agreement:

a. Mutual Agreement to Arbitrate. The Client(s) and CryoFuture mutually agree to resolve any disputes arising out of or related to the Client(s)’s participation in the Program, including but not limited to claims related to the loss, damage, or temperature mismanagement of fertility specimens as described herein (“Dispute”), exclusively through final and binding arbitration, rather than in court, except as stated below. This Arbitration Agreement is governed by the Federal Arbitration Act (9 U.S.C. §§ 1-16) and shall apply to any and all claims arising out of or relating to the contract, the Client(s)’s engagement with the Program, the termination of such engagement, and all other aspects of the Client(s)’s relationship with CryoFuture, past, present or future, including any family members, beneficiaries, or anyone who can legally stand in the shoes of Client(s).

b. Procedures. Arbitration will be conducted by a neutral arbitrator in accordance with the American Arbitration Association’s (“AAA”) rules and procedures, which are available on the AAA website at www.adr.org. If AAA is not available to arbitrate, the parties will select an alternative arbitral forum. The parties agree that the arbitrator shall have exclusive authority to resolve any Disputes relating to the interpretation, applicability, enforceability or formation of this Arbitration Agreement including whether any claim is subject to arbitration. The arbitration will be held to the extent permitted by the AAA rules and procedures or applicable laws in California.

c. Arbitration Fees and Awards. The payment of filing and arbitration fees will be governed by the relevant rules of the arbitral forum. In the event the Client(s) is able to demonstrate that the costs of arbitration will be prohibitive as compared to the costs of litigation, CryoFuture will pay as much of the Client’s(’) filing and hearing fees in connection with the arbitration as the arbitrator deems necessary to prevent the arbitration from being cost-prohibitive. Client(s) agree(s) to reimburse any filing and hearing fees paid by CryoFuture on the behalf of Client(s) should CryoFuture be determined the victor or winner of the arbitration.

d. Opt-Out of Agreement to Arbitrate. Participation in the Program is entirely voluntary. By not enrolling in the Program, the Client(s) opts out of the Arbitration Agreement and retains any rights to seek remedies through court action in accordance with applicable law. If the Client(s) chooses to enroll in the Program, they are agreeing to resolve any disputes exclusively through arbitration, as detailed above.

e. Severability and Survival. If any part or parts of this Arbitration Agreement are found under the law to be invalid or unenforceable, then such specific part or parts shall be of no force and effect and shall be severed and the remainder of the Arbitration Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. This Arbitration Agreement will survive the termination of the Client’s(’) relationship with CryoFuture.

f. Modification. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, the parties agree that if CryoFuture makes any future material change to this Arbitration Agreement, it will not apply to any individual claim of which the Client(s) had already provided notice to CryoFuture.

4. Governing Law:

The terms and conditions, and any disputes arising from or relating to the Program, shall be governed by the laws of California.

5. Jurisdiction:

The Client(s) agrees to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of California for matters not subject to arbitration and to the furthest extent permitted by law or AAA rules and procedures for arbitration to arbitrate in California.

6. Amendments:

Any changes to these terms and conditions will be communicated to the Client(s) and will take effect on the date specified.

7. Entire Agreement:

These terms and conditions, along with the Extra Protection Program Agreement which is incorporated into this Contract as if set forth in its entirety and signed by the Client(s), constitute the entire agreement between CryoFuture and the Client(s) regarding the Program. This document supersedes all prior agreements, representations, and understandings of the parties, written or oral, relating to the Program.